The Witcher Adventure Game v1.0.3 APK+DATA

Cover art


The Witcher Adventure Game is a digital adaptation of CD PROJEKT RED’s board game set in the brutal, dark fantasy universe of monster slayer Geralt of Rivia. Embark on a journey across the beautifully rendered world of The Witcher and complete a variety of quests: hunt for deadly beasts, solve ancient mysteries, and take part in complex political intrigues. Make choices and face their brutal consequences in a world begging to be explored!

TW:AG allows players to become four distinct characters known from the books and video games: Geralt of Rivia, monster slayer; Triss Merigold, cunning sorceress; Yarpen Zigrin, dwarven warrior; and Dandelion, roguish bard. Each character has unique skills and multiple ways of overcoming obstacles - the choice is yours: do you fight your way to victory, call on your charm, or try your hand at diplomacy?

Main features:

- Art design taken straight from the critically acclaimed Witcher series of video games
- Play vs. AI and vs. your friends (online multiplayer and hot seat)
- Clear, simple rules, and intuitive mechanics.
- 4 unique heroes with different skills and approaches to problem solving
- Achievement and leaderboard support
- Digital edition contains over 288 cards and 30 monsters

What's New

Fast Travel action shows only locations 2 routes away from player
Fixed Dodge use during Reroll
Fixed use of Teleportation and Friend of the Dryads
Fixed Clever Minstrel use
Fixed tooltips on roll results
Fixed neighbouring regions for Gray region
Fixes for switching back to hero sheet
Fixes for disappearing card on roll results panel on slower devices
Other various card fixes
Fixes for too sensitive gesture recognition on devices with high ppi
Performance optimisations


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The Witcher Adventure Game v1.0.3 APK+DATA