Android 5.0.2-based CM 12 Nightlies Now Available For Download

CyanogenMod Android 4.4.4 KitKat M-Snapshot custom ROM builds
It has been quite a while since Android 5.0 Lollipop was unveiled at Google’s I/O, and a couple of months since the newest iteration of Android was made available for some selected handsets via OTA updates. As expected, the guys from Cyanogenmod team have been working hard to release the first builds based on Lollipop. Those of you who have been expecting them should be happy to hear that the first set of nightlies are available for 31 handsets for the time being, and numerous others will be supported in the near future.

The KitKat-based CM11 will be further updated every week until it reaches version M13, when the development will no longer continue. Even though, the Cyanogenmod developers say that the builds are not perfect and some bugs might appear, the main features should work properly right from the start for the listed handsets.
The developing team promise that all great functions found on Cyanogenmod 11 will be implemented into CM12, but not just now as there are still some compatibility issues they need to work on. Among the absent features we can name some of the important ones such as the theme engine, the sound panel customization and the quick settings customization. As mentioned, Cyanogenmod 12 will come with some extra features based on Android Lollipop such as Ambient display and a revamped SMS application.
The Cyanogenmod 12 supported devices are the following: bacon, d802, dlx, e975, e980, evita, falcon, find5, flo, ghost, hlte, hltespr, jewel, jfltevzw, klte, m7, m7spr, m7vzw, m8, mako, mondrianwifi, moto_msm8960, t6, t6spr,  t6vzw, serrano3gxx, serranoltexx, shamu, v500, ville, vs985.
It’s only fair that most of the smartphone owners are currently more happy about Android 5.0 Lollipop being rolled out, but the custom ROM fans are surely delighted to hear that the Cyanogenmod team are releasing the first CM 12 nightlies. However, the builds are not quite stable yet, fact which can make some users wait a while until they flash their phones. Still, the ROM’s should be steady enough and feature-filled in a few weeks.
If any of you want to install the Cyanogenmod 12 ROM you can download it from HERE, then download GApps from HERE. In case this is the first time you install a custom ROM on your handset you can check our guides for all devices HERE.

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Android 5.0.2-based CM 12 Nightlies Now Available For Download