How to Remove Sponsored Ads from uTorrent & BitTorrent

You may have read about BitTorrent including ads in their popular torrent client recently. Not everyone were pleased with this decision. Fortunately disabling these ads is just a few mouse clicks away. And the best part is you don’t need any additionalsoftware to do this. That’s right , we can disable it from within the app.
Let me walk you through the steps to disable those ads in the UI:
First, open uTorrent (or BitTorrent) and Click on Options>Preferences
Now Click on Advanced in the left panel.
1. In the search bar found in the right panel of the advanced tab, start typing the following text to access the settings for it.
2. Then double click on the text in the right panel to change the value to false. You could also set the radio button to false and click OK.
Now repeat the above steps and change the value to false, for each of the settings below:
Now close and re-open uTorrent. No more ads in the interface.


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How to Remove Sponsored Ads from uTorrent & BitTorrent