A2Y Giveaway : Win Free Flipkart Vouchers ,Recharges and Mobikwik Cash

Thanks to Everyone for making this Giveaway a Success One !!

Fun Has been Doubled Now - We made some more Prizes and Winners with new Prizes.

Thank You Everyone for Making Us so much Successful :) We have Completed Our 22 Months being with you all sharing all possible tricks / tweaks . To Celebrate this Moment we have organised a Giveaway for our Visitors.

Our Blog and Techolics Has Organised This Event .To Participate in this Giveaway You need to collect points by doing some simple tasks like Following us on twitter / leaving a comment / Liking us / Sharing this post / etc. Each task carries Points varies from 2 points to 6 points.

P.S. Thanks you all for participating - Results will be out on 21st June 2015.

All Winners are requested to send their Respective Details including - Address , City , State and Mobile Number from the same email address that they used to participate to admin@abhi2you.com by tomorrow.

We Didn't Got Any Type of Mail from 12 of the Winners !!! Please Share your Details Now to Get Your Rewards !!!!

Format : Name - Email

Winners :-

  • Flipkart E-Gift Voucher Of Rs.500 x 2.
  1. Arya Keshav - arya13xxxxx@gmail.com CLAIMED
  2. Umesh - umes32xxxx@rediffmail.com - CLAIMED

  • Mobile Recharges Of Rs.50 x 10
  1. Chetan - luvtraxxxx@gmail.com - Expired
  2. Nikhil Pandya - nikhilpandxxxxx@gmail.com  CLAIMED
  3. Deepak Singh - ds760xxxxx@gmail.com Expired
  4. Yatin Mago - yatinxxxx@gmail.com - CLAIMED
  5. Harish Singh Pathak - abhishekxxxx@gmail.com - CLAIMED
  6. Astitva Singh - astitvastxxxxx@gmail.com CLAIMED
  7. Darbaar Yadav - darbaarxxxxxx@gmail.com CLAIMED
  8. Asif Ali - asifhacxxxxxx@gmail.com - CLAIMED
  9. Rakesh Pendor  - rakesxxxxx@gmail.com CLAIMED
  10. Parivartan Dubey - paritaxxxxx@gmail.com - CLAIMED

  • Mobikwik Cash Prize Of Rs.25 x 10
  1. Sudhakar - sudhakarxxxxx@gmail.com CLAIMED
  2. Sumit - sumitxxxx@gmail.com CLAIMED
  3. Saifee Verma - oceansheaxxxx@yahoo.com CLAIMED
  4. Silent Killer - rajvernaxxxxx@gmail.com - CLAIMED
  5. Umesh Dutta - umeshdxxxx@gmail.comCLAIMED
  6. Aakash Sharma - manavakxxxx@yahoo.com CLAIMED
  7. Luv Kush - dyanchanxxxxx@gmail.com - CLAIMED
  8. Yashvir Verma - Yashjati3xxxx@gmail.com - CLAIMED
  9. Gaurav - yandescxxx@gmail.com CLAIMED
  10. Pavan - pavanxxxxxx@gmail.com CLAIMED

  • Wynk Music Vouchers (Extra Added).
  1. MD Umear - mohammexxxxx@gmail.com - Expired
  2.  Ððñïsh Ð ßlãçklïsted ßøy - danish.axxxx@gmail.com - Expired
  3. Yasif Husain - yasi455xxxx@gmail.com - CLAIMED
  4. Yalim Nagar - uhluv3xxxx@gmail.com - CLAIMED
  5. Prachi Srivastava - peppypraxxxxx@gmail.com - CLAIMED

  • Rs.20 Free Recharges to Viral Share Makers.
  1. Vishal Verma - vishal002.kuxxxxx@gmail.com CLAIMED
  2. Vishnu Pb Rana - vishuranxxxxx@yahoo.in CLAIMED
  3. Ajay Tagwar - tayas34xxxxx@gmail.com - CLAIMED

  • Rs.10 Free Recharges to Best Comment Makers.
  1. Rakhil - rakhilxxxxxx@gmail.com - CLAIMED
  2. Pavan Prakash  - pavanprxxxxx@gmail.com CLAIMED
  3. Sudhakar - udhakaxxxxxx@gmail.com CLAIMED

Email are Hided for our users Security but incase if you have any problem / suggestion regarding this Giveaway you can Directly Mail us . We will love it sort it out.

Winners Do Comment ;)

How winners are selected :

All Participants having points less than 20 - They all will be Disqualified. And Others having Points equals to 20 or more will be Chosen and Randomly Selected as a Winner. 

Note - Rafflecopter will Randomize users and Select Winners . 

    Terms and Conditions :

    1. We owns the right to disqualify any of the participant who violates our terms.
    2. All Prizes are eligible only for selected participants - "No criteria will be applied"
    3. Contest can be shutted and can be changed anytime.
    4. Recharges will be provided to users selected Randomly.
    5. Mobile Recharge will be Processed Within  Days of Reaching the Milestone.
    6. We can anytime cancel your Free Gift / Recharge if we found you guilty.
    7. No Spams and no abusment will be entertained.
    8. Prizes are as mentions and can be anytime charged based upon the owner.
    9. Flipkart Voucher provided can have any validity.
    10. We owns each and every right so please contact us for details admin@abhi2you.com

    Please Mail Us / Comment below for any Assistance !


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    A2Y Giveaway : Win Free Flipkart Vouchers ,Recharges and Mobikwik Cash