Do you remember our photo essay on how people are addicted to their mobile phones? Keeping in mind that same cellphone addiction, one Utah University has created a separate walking lane for students addicted to texting.
The pictures of these bizarrely remarkable division has created widespread buzz on the social media. Currently these texting lanes are just limited to the recreation center of school but people are expressing their views demanding the similar lanes in whole campus.
A 22 year-old student Tasia Briggs said: “There’s nothing worse than walking behind someone who’s texting, and you can’t get around them and go anywhere.”
Another student Chelsea Meza, 22, says that these texting lanes touch on the cultural reality in this ubiquitous cellphone age. Meza says, “It’s kind of funny. You walk down the hallway and instead of saying hi, everyone is walking and texting.”
The creator director of the school Matt Bambrough said that this lane was designed by school’s marketing department to appeal the texting-obsessed students. According to a report issued by the National Safety Council, there were about 11,101 injuries due to such distracted walking between the time period 2000 to 2011.
A similar division was made in Chongquig, a Chinese city, where separate lanes were made for pedestrians after taking inspiration from a behavioral study made by National Geographic Television.
Bambrough said: “This graphic is obviously more aesthetic than functional, and though we’ve noticed that most texters aren’t actually following the posted lanes, they are enjoying walking to their workout space.”
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