Max Payne Game
Max Payne is one of the most popular Third Person Shooting game for windows. We have posted a complete review on Max Payne game earlier. If you want to read complete review, then Click here.
Max Payne Cheats and Codes
Using cheats and codes in this game is very easy, even a small child can insert cheats in this game. The only thing you have to do is just follow everything step by step mentioned below.
Cheats using -developer command:
Start the game with the "-developer" command line parameter. To do this go under the properties of your Max Payne desktop icon (right click on the Max Payne icon, then select "Properties"), then change the entry for the program to "Target: "C:\Program Files\Max Payne\maxpayne.exe" -developer" or something similar. While playing the game, press [F12] to display the console window, then enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Cheats using -developer command:
Start the game with the "-developer" command line parameter. To do this go under the properties of your Max Payne desktop icon (right click on the Max Payne icon, then select "Properties"), then change the entry for the program to "Target: "C:\Program Files\Max Payne\maxpayne.exe" -developer" or something similar. While playing the game, press [F12] to display the console window, then enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Result | Cheat Code |
God mod | god |
Disable god mode | mortal |
All weapons | getallweapons |
Infinite ammunition | getinfiniteammo |
Debug mode | coder |
No clipping mode | noclip |
Disable no clipping mode | noclip_off |
Display frame rate | showfps |
Refill bullet time meter | getbullettime |
Baseball bat | getbaseballbat |
Baretta with full ammo | getberetta |
Dual Berettas with full ammo | getdualberetta |
Sawed off shotgun with full ammo | getsawedshotgun |
Pump action shotgun with full ammo | getpumpshotgun |
Desert Eagle with full ammo | getdeserteagle |
Ingram with full ammo | getingram |
Dual Ingrams with full ammo | getdualingram |
TMP5 with full ammo | getmp5 |
Colt Commando with full ammo | getcoltcommando |
Jackhammer with full ammo | getjackhammer |
M-79 with full ammo | getm79 |
Sniper rifle with full ammo | getsniper |
Molotov cocktail | getmolotov |
Grenade | getgrenade |
Pain killers | getpainkillers |
Health | gethealth |
Add indicated amount to health | c_addhealth[number] |
Set jump height | jump[number] |
Wounded walk | setwoundedstate |
Normal walk | setnormalstate |
Cheats using -developerkeys command:
Start the game with the "-developerkeys" command line parameter. To do this go under the properties of your Max Payne desktop icon (right click on the Max Payne icon, then select "Properties"), then change the entry for the program to "Target: "C:\Program Files\Max Payne\maxpayne.exe" -developerkeys" or something similar. While playing the game, press [F12] to display the console window, then enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Result | Cheat Code |
Cycle through three camera modes | C |
Cycle mesh up | [Page Up] |
Cycle mesh down | [Page Down] |
Cycle texture set up | [Ctrl] + [Page Up] |
Cycle texture set down | [Ctrl] + [Page Down] |
Increase game speed | [Home] |
Decrease game speed | [End] |
Set game speed to normal | [Home] + [End] |
Teleport Max to next start point | [Insert] |
Teleport Max to previous start point | [Delete] |
Switches AI Movement Network Conn Visualization | [F7] |
Switches AI movement Network Node Visualization | [F8] |
Toggle statistics | [F11] |
Open console | [F12] |
External camera left | [Cursor Left] |
External camera right | [Cursor Right] |
External camera forward | [Cursor Up] |
External camera backward | [Cursor Down] |
Max Payne Cheats Summary
Although these cheats and codes are shared here but playing with your brain and skills is the best thing you can practice. So first try and play game without cheats, if you find it very difficult, then go and use these cheats. Click here to see Cheats and Codes of Max Payne 3.All Versions of Max Payne Game Download Links
Download Max Payne 1Download Max Payne 2
Download Max Payne 3
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