Barack Obama: “The Internet Is Not A Luxury, It’s A Necessity”

The US president Barack Obama is known for his support and vocal remarks regarding the role of information technology in nation’s development. Working in the same direction, this weekend White House announced that the low-income families will be getting free internet with the help of Google Fiber service. At this ConnectHome initiative announcement, Mr. Obama said: “The Internet is not a luxury, it is a necessity.”
During the ConnectHome announcement, different data regarding the internet adoption patterns was made public. One of the most shocking revelation was that one out of every four people in the United States is deprived of the internet access at home.
The White House’s ConnectHome mission aims to bridge this great digital divide in the States. It’s mission reads:
Every child should be given the same opportunity to build a brighter future and to achieve their dreams.
It should be noted that the United States’ biggest ally India is seeing a widespread digital revolution in the form of Digital India initiative.
Barack Obama said:
Today, we are going to take another step to close the digital divide in America and make sure everyone in America has high-speed Internet.
The conditions in USA aren’t so bad. About 98 percent of Americans have “some” sort of internet access. Another notable distribution in internet access is governed by the race. Black, Native Americans, and Hispanic households have about 10 percent less internet adoption than the White households.
During this announcement in Oklahoma, Barack Obama said:
People aren’t born coders, they learn.
Watch the President’s complete announcement below:

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Barack Obama: “The Internet Is Not A Luxury, It’s A Necessity”