Implosion - Never Lose Hope - VER. 1.0.9 [Super Mega MOD]

Implosion - Never Lose Hope - VER. 1.0.9 [Super Mega MOD]




I. Lite version
1. Unlock Crimson (Go to Badge Reward and press Collect)
2. Claim all Badge Reward for free (Go to Badge Reward and press Collect)
3. Unlimit Credits
4. Unlock Full Version

II. Mega Version

1. Unlock Crimson (Go to Badge Reward and press Collect)
2. Claim all Badge Reward for free (Go to Badge Reward and press Collect)
3. Unlimit Credits
4. Max Endurance
5. Max Rage
6. Max Armor
7. Max Shield
8. Unlock Full Version
9. Infinite Ammo (Works with every gun, including SMG)
10. Hack Level is 100
11. No Skill Cooldown
12. Skills always avaiable
13. Faster level up


Hacked By: DaiCaVN


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Implosion - Never Lose Hope - VER. 1.0.9 [Super Mega MOD]