ElegantFlatUi - Cm 12/12.1 v4.4 .apk
ElegantFlatUi - Cm 12/12.1 v4.4 .apkTitle: ElegantFlatUi - Cm 12/12.1
Version: v4.4
Android: 5.0+
Last Update: 15-10-2015
If status bar icons aren't themed then you have to REBOOT your phone!!!
ElegantFlatUi - Cm 12/12.1 v4.4 .apk
What is themed:
- SystemUi
- Settings
- Dialer
- Status bar icons
- Navigation bar icons
- Contacts
- Facebook Messenger
- Gmail
- Google Now
- Google Hangouts
- Google Plus
- Google Play Music
- Google Keep
- Google Camera
- Google Play Store
- Google Chrome
- Google Inbox
- Youtube
- Screener
- Greenify
- Audio Fx
- Cm eleven
- Cm gallery
- Cm theme chooser
- Cm filemanager
- Deskclock
- Aosp keyboard
- Google keyboard
- Zooper Widget Free/Pro
- Business Calendar 2
- Flat Style Bar Indicators
- Flat Style Colored Bars
- Pons dictionary
- Xposed installer
- Piktures
What's New:
- changed settings style
- changed quicksettings style
- added missing icons
- other fixes
If you like the theme pls leave a rating in Play Store and share as much as you can. That helps me a lot! Thanks
If you face any problem or bug pls ask me via email if I can fix it (most likely I can) before you leave a bad rating!
Download Link:
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