Speaking Timer v1.31

Speaking Timer v1.31
Requirements: 2.1 and up
 A speaking timer that uses speech synthesis to announce the time left until the timer expires. 
Perfect to use for example when cooking. Instead of keeping track of the time, this app will continually tell you the time left until your meal is done.

Set announce type, Speech, Vibrate, Beep etc. 
Set announce interval 
Set tone to play when expired 
Set volume and speech rate for speech. 
Allow/not allow to speak announcements when in a phone call. 
Allow/not allow to speak announcements when phone is in silent mode. 
Option to keep screen on while timer is running. 
Option to automatically turn off alert after a certain time. 
Option to vibrate phone when timer expires. 
Support for rotation, landscape and portrait mode. 
What's New 
- Fix for crashes on Android KitKat

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Speaking Timer v1.31