Free Download Aplikasi Ultimate Guitar v4.2.9 Apk Terbaru - Selamat pagi sob kali ini admin Download Aplikasi akan membagikan sebuah Aplikasi Android yang sangat keren, dengan aplikasi ini dapat membantu sobat dalam bermain gitar karena aplikasi ini dilengkapi dengan lirik lagu dan juga chord, nama aplikasi ini adalah Ultimate Guitar.
Ultimate Guitar Apk merupakan satu-satunya aplikasi mobile yang akan memberikan anda akses unlimited ke database terbesar di dunia. Aplikasi Android Terbaru ini memiliki dua cara menggunakan baik secara online dan offline. Secara online anda akan mendapatkan informasi koleksi sekitar 800.000 tab untuk anda pelajari dan berlatih lagu faforit anda. dan untuk akses offline anda dapat membuka aplikasi yang anda simpan pada perangkat anda. Keunggulan lain dari aplikasi ini adalah tidak adanya iklan yang akan menggangu anda saat menggunakannya.
Fitur :
- Quick Search. Find Tabs quickly by entering artist name or song title.
- Favorites. Add Tabs to your Favorites to make them available for offline browsing. Synchronize Tabs between the app and your online account!
- Advanced Search tool. You can search for Tabs by specifying Tab type, part of the song, difficulty level, tuning, and rating.
- UG Authorization. Sign in with your Ultimate Guitar account, or create a new one directly from the app.
- Playlists. Create custom lists of Tabs in your Favorites.
- Chords. View chord diagrams while reading Chords, transpose chords easily.
- Tab Packs. Collections of pre-selected Tabs. Tab Packs are based on skills level, music genres, and special occasions.
- Top 100 Tabs list for each Tab type (Guitar, Bass, Chords, Drums or overall).
- Auto-scroll feature. View Tablature in the text viewer using the handy Auto-Scroll functionality - The App will scroll Tabs for you!
- Changeable fonts. Pick what font to use for displaying Tabs' content.
- Random Tab. Load Tab for a random song.
- Now playing. Find Tabs for the currently playing song (needs to be technically supported by the device).
- Portrait and Landscape modes are available. You can scale Tabs too.
- Supports the Tab Pro format, similar to Guitar Pro and Power Tab.
- Huge Database. A thorough database with over 150,000 Tabs.
- Playback. Instantly playback tabs with real-sounding instruments.
- Multitrack. Audio mixing is in your hands, change volume on any instrument.
- Chords. Shown above the corresponding beats for optimum visual cues.
- Fretboard display. Get the perfect view of the notes' placement on each fret.
- Fit To Screen" feature, which makes tabs easier to read on your device
- Font customization capability
- Print function available (for Cloud Print-compatible devices)
- Email - send tabs by email with just one tap.
- Copying to clipboard
- added possibility to switch between chords for guitar and ukulele
- bug fixing
Sekian ulasan dari admin tentang Download Aplikasi Android Terbaru yang berjudul Ultimate Guitar v4.2.9 Apk, semoga bermanfaat bagi sobat semua dan terima kasih atas kunjungannya.
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