Windows 8 Autoupdate Defender with Windows Update Disabled ! [Guide]


Windows Defender is the default security product in the Windows 8 operating system that protects users from malicious programs and other unwanted software. Just like all Microsoft programs, Defender also receives its updates via Windows Update. In normal circumstances this setup works great as you automatically receive new updates as soon as Microsoft makes it available.
However, if you have chosen not to install updates automatically, Defender’s virus and spyware definitions gets outdated very quickly leaving your PC wide open and vulnerable to all the nasties of the ‘Net.
Windows Defender comes with a built-in update feature. You can use it to update definitions even when you have Windows updates turned off. But to do so, you’ll have to start the program and manually perform the update. Or, a better method is to automate it using Task Scheduler. Here’s how:
You just have to make a Windows scheduled job (scheduled task). Open the Task Scheduler:
Click Win “Key + R” together, in box write %windir%\system32\taskschd.msc /s (before /s is space) or go to Control Panel => All Control Panel Items => Administrative Tools => twice click to Task Scheduler.
Now you will see a few pop-up message, click Always on “OK”. Then you should be able to see this picture:
Now choose at right (recommended – maximum window size): Creat Basic Task…
You will see this picture:
Click “Next” => select “Daily” => “Next” => mark “Syncronize across time zones” and Recur every: 1 days => “Next” Action: select “Start a program” => “Next” to window Prgram/script:
“C:\Program Files\Windows Defender\MpCmdRun.exe” -signatureUpdate
(space is before -signatureUpdate)
Click “Next” => “Finish” => Now we need to fine tune it yet!
Click on the “Task Scheduler Library”. Find the new task in the upper center window. Click on it with right mouse button, select “Properties”, click it and make some changes in new window.
Select “Triggers” => Left Click “At log on” => “Edit” => make changes (see next picture) => “OK” => and once more “OK” (bottom open window)
And now the choices have been done, click “OK”. You can still allow to display of the history – in the upper right hand corner of the Task Scheduler window. Then you can look at what has occurred.
Usually not need to restart. Their settings will be carried out one update every hour, is recommended to add a delay after the PC start for 2-3 minutes , when the update fails, it will repeated three times automatically, minutes apart. (You can change).

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Windows 8 Autoupdate Defender with Windows Update Disabled ! [Guide]