UPaisa UCashier – Enables Merchant Payments for the Unbanked

UPaisa UCashier - Enables Merchant Payments for the Unbanked

Ufone’s UPaisa launches a special branchless banking zone “UCashier” that brings all solutions to the Mobile Point of Sales (MPOS) across Pakistan. UPaisa’s UCashier is an addition to the innovative Debit Card powered by UnionPay that facilitates merchant payments countrywide.
The Head of Financial Services at Ufone, Mr. Noman Azhar, commented on the launch of Ufone UCashier and said,
With the flourishing launch of UCashier, Ufone has taken so far one more pace towards bringing in genuine monetary addition in Pakistan. At present, these MPOS machines are processing UPaisa debit cards only and UPaisa will be enabling small merchants as well as local stores with this device by facilitating merchant payments for the unbanked. Now the receivers will have a preference to keep the received amount protected in their mobile wallets and use it on need basis by purely swiping their debit card on the similar shop from where they were getting the amount cashed out previously.

Features & Details:

  • UCashier are MPoS devices that are small and low cost add-ons to android smartphones.
  • Merchants can easily carry out card-based swipe transactions through UCashier.
  • UCashier is affordable for very smallest merchants too as these are 6 times lesser in cost price.
  • All small and medium level merchants can easily attain support from these low cost innovative MPOS devices, unlike to independent POS machines that already exist in market.
  • UCashier brings the easiest way to perform end to end cashless and convenient transactions across Pakistan.
The Head of Business & Operation at U Micro Finance Bank, Mr. Syed Umar Viqar, also expressed his feelings and said,
Our center of attention, since the commence of UPaisa, has been to produce an absolute eco system, whereby financial services are designed to accomplish the day after day financial needs of an under banked or unbanked customer. This is a main step towards achieving that aim.

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UPaisa UCashier – Enables Merchant Payments for the Unbanked