WordPress Leading CMS Platform

A recent research made by W3Techsshow that 58.7% of the Internet runs on WordPress, Joomla by 6.6%, Drupal by 5.0%, Magento by 2.9%, Blogger by 2.8% and the rest by 24.1%.

According to Matt Mullenweg, “Sometimes it goes up and down through the course of a month, but it’s still a pretty fun milestone that we can now say about one in four websites are now powered by the scrappy open source underdog with its roots stretching all the way back to a single person in Corsica, France. We should be comfortably past 25% by the end of the year.”
Image Credit: W3Techs

Nearly one in four sites of the Internet runs on WordPress, either using open source software from WordPress.org or from WordPress.com


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WordPress Leading CMS Platform