This post contains spoilers for the 2014 movie The Babadook. It’s a movie I haven’t seen yet because I’m too scared to watch it. When it comes to watching movies, particularly those that are hyped beyond reason like Star Wars: The Force Awakens, we generally try to avoid spoilers so as to not ruin the end. In some cases, it is advisable to skip watching a movie’s trailer so that your expectations aren’t influenced by it. That said, spoilers aren’t bad if you keep them to yourself. They can often tell you if a movie that has a reasonably good premise loses itself in the third act. Often the end is what might compel you to see a story play out. Spoil Me is a web app that helps you find spoilers for any movie you want to watch.
Visit Spoil Me and enter the name of the movie you want to find spoilers for. Also, if you haven’t seen The Babadook, stop reading this post now.
The app will find the movie in question and tell you how many spoilers for it are available. Once you click on the movie name in the search drop-down, you will be taken to the movie page with spoilers.
A movie might have more than one spoiler. To see other spoilers for the movie click the ‘One more’ button at the bottom. The next spoilers are a bit slow to load and it seems as if nothing is happening so be patient.
Spoiler Me crowd sources its information i.e., normal movie goers like you and me provide spoilers. To add your very own spoiler, click the ‘Add your spoiler’ button at the top of a movie’s page. Not all spoilers will give away the plot or twist of a movie, for example, the first spoiler for The Revenant is that Leo wins the Oscar.
Spoiler Me has share buttons that let you share a particular spoiler via email, Twitter, and Facebook. We strongly recommend you not use these buttons unless you want an angry mob after you.
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