Use One Gmail Email To Create Multiple Accounts On Any Website

Facebook limits a user to one profile per email but it gives you freedom to have as many pages you want. A Facebook page doesn’t require the setting up of a separate profile but the same can’t be said for Twitter or Instagram. Both networks allow one account per email. If you ever need to create a second Twitter or Instagram account you will need to use an email address that isn’t already associated with an account on these sites unless you use Gmail. If you use Gmail then you can use the same email to create multiple accounts on social networking sites or other web service. Here’s how.
A Gmail ID differs from a Ymail and Outlook/Live ID in that you cannot use underscores or dashes  in the name. Gmail simply doesn’t allow it. Additionally, it will ignore other symbols such as periods and the plus sign which is something that you can use to your advantage.
When you sign up for a service or a new Twitter or Instagram account, you’re asked to provide an email address. Instead of creating a new email address for your second account, use your own Gmail email but add a period in the middle, for example,
If your email ID is, you can use The service you sign up for will treat this as different from your original email however, when an email is sent to Gmail’s servers it will route it to your inbox. You can use either a period or a plus sign. You can use this trick repeatedly on a particular site by changing the position of the period so that can be used in one instance and can be used in another.

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Use One Gmail Email To Create Multiple Accounts On Any Website